START: 10/20: Chicago wins out over 10 other major cities to be chosen as flag ship project.
Viability and market testing complete. 501c3 filed in IL. Adjusted KS, MO, AR, NY, TX, KY, WI and IN to next-state cue possibilities (more to come on those though!).
Interviews underway with Chicago community leaders. Networking successful; north, south, and west areas potentially ideal pending health care, development opportunities, and local interest.
Update 11/20: Completed PHASE ONE interviews.
Collaboration potential very high. Two repetitive pain points for local administrators (see local leadership interview summary).
Publicly partnered with Art of Balance to ensure the delivery of specialized mental health and customized needs to LGBTQ youth and young adults. Formulated contract needs to deliver 1 on 1 weekly session and group sessions for the teens/young adults coming out of the shelters into our program.
Got EIN, Incorporation Paperwork, and pre-approval back from the IRS and IL. Began 501c3 long-form based on need levels and income levels altering by 200%.
12/20: Feds not accepting long-forms until January.
Board established and expanded board being interviewed.
Shift to shop for proceed boost while donations are put on paused on large scale until Federal designation is returned. Additional work done on community partnerships and building the infrastructure to have everything in place once we get a green light for the building.
In negotiation for vendor needs. Partnering with SipofHope for coffee once we open the hotel.
1/21: Partnered with two local Chicago homeless shelters to gateway the program prior to the building acquisition. Partnered officially with Stone Temple Church's food pantry and clothing needs (not religiously affiliated in any regard).
HouseMusicCares benefit party. FB group launched. Hit 300 followers in the first 10 days.
2/21 Media has started to notice. Interview complete with Darron Story and 7 other KSC, MO outlets. Pitch for KSC, MO as second city hits the team's desk.
For Baltimore, Dalmar James ( onboarded as HR Director/Connector Extraordinaire for UMATT3R.
3/21 Began interviewing additional future board members and settled on 9 of them by 5/21. Initial $40M potential real-estate identified for full-service "Campus" set-up for Chicago. BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS BEING BUILT FOR FLEX/INDUSTRIAL/MIX ADDITION.
Art of Balance due to alter lease options by 10/21. UMATT3R + AOBCHI FRANCHISE on the table to ensure mental health and quality control.
4/21 Adjusted plan to accommodate minors. Original $24M on-site building vetted for security purposes and settled on 3 miles from AOB main location.
5/21 Brought on Andrea Landon as ADA compliance and additional real-estate vetting. Identified $131M in property opportunities and narrowed down to 4 potentials from 35.
PR PITCH DECK AND INITIAL VISION COMPLETE, $15K fundraising campaign begins. To contribute to campaign, click here.
Local Leadership Interview Summary
After completing the market testing for city structural capacity, we needed to get into the actual field and hear what’s going on from the view of the dedicated professionals already working with the communities.
We spoke to shelters, ministries, community workers, pastors, community members, and leaders to see if our program would come alongside what is already in place to amplify collaboration potential.
The feedback on what they needed was virtually the same across the board: affordable housing, long-term potential, and helping bridge the gap for the LGBTQ population. One reported that over 80% of their teen and young adult emergency housing clients are LGBTQ identified. 80%+ is almost 200% higher than the national average.
Dorm-style housing is the fiscally responsible yet dangerous for both straight and LGBTQ populations placing unnecessary stress on people already in dire circumstances.
Based on the local feedback, we shifted focus from ground-up building to immediate housing options.

Campus location requirements
Radius: 20 minutes or less from main parts of any urban city, million or higher population density, job opportunities, public transportation, medical care, and community buy-in.
Size: 20+ acres with expansion opportunities, ideally with water/sewage already in place. Must be less than 5 miles from concrete or hempcrete factory.
Potential locations: TBD

Next steps
Phase One
To find and secure a for sale hotel with a minimum of a 100+ rooms for immediate placement and first year programming. Or, multi-tenant 20,000K+ sq. multi-flex/industrial "opportunity zone"/incentive package.
A hotel that size will also provide the classrooms/conference rooms, WIFI/tech requirements, plumbing, staff, and security that will be required to provide that level of service quickly. Based on the local market, we’re estimating around $50K per person (first year only), plus staff, property, and healthcare needs. A hotel vs. an apartment complex also tests higher for longevity and ROI.
An industrial flex provides accelerated ROI and additional anchor tenants for longevity. So far, the industrial flex options in Chicago seem more viable for bypassing Phase 1 and 2 to Phase 3.
Negative Impact
Doubles budgeting needs to almost $15M to buy outright and maintain on-site staff and security. $15M-$35M for INDUSTRIAL/FLEX co-tenant complex.
Financial Determinates
Will not be pursuing government funding for this process ideally (email: for further details. Will NOT TAKE HUD FUNDING OR 8 FUNDING. CARE ACT maybe, but only for staff and overhead. 0 program funding. PERIOD.)
We have assessed that private investors, grants, corporate sponsors, and local partnerships expedite the process.
Have identified a 90 apartment complex/immediate ROI investment opportunity in up-and-coming Chicago area.
Phase Two
Acquire 20+ acres and build SAFE HAV3N campus. Secured location designed to host everything needed to successfully complete years two and three. Or acquire a 50K+ industrial complex to do a full buildout.
Phase Three
Develop internal funding structure to simulate actual bank structures on a small scale or partner with local bank interested in teaching the next generation financial security. By the end of the third, each of the "graduating class" walked through the various first-time homeowner application processes. They'll be given the option to choose a pre-built home on campus, or find another that they are pre-approved and we will work with them until permanent housing is secured.
Sample agenda
Mentorship Program
Job Gallery
Interview Prep
GED or HS Completion Mentors
Career Genius Program
Art and Music
Community Outreach
Local College Connections
Two Acre Dog Rescue
Mental health on site or medical within
20 minutes of the location.
Mechanic Training
Internships (onsite and offsite)
Entrepreneur Workshops
Investment Planning
Home Ownership 101
Home Affordability 101
How to Pick Your Neighbor
Bad Debt vs. Good Debt
Credit and Credit Health
Savings vs. Investments
Short-term Career vs Long-term Career
Individual Housing Units (to be purchased through the program and owned in 3-5 years upon completion).